Extra funding to make State Title dreams a reality

Kiama netball enthusiasts are counting on newfound financial support to boost their chances of travelling to the State Titles later this year. Kiama Netball Association President, Michelle Gregory, has seen the club grow significantly over the past few seasons, with...

The statistics behind Jason Demitriou’s departure from the Rabbitohs

On Tuesday, April 30th, the South Sydney Rabbitohs announced the sacking of head coach Jason Demetriou after three years of leading the club. This decision comes as no surprise to Souths followers and footy fanatics alike as Souths start the 2024 season just one win...

University student sport activity declines amid cost of living crisis

University students are struggling to pay for team sports without government subsidies, according to a leading academic. The NSW government reduced the $100 Active Kids and $100 Creative Kids vouchers in January this year, combining the two incentives into a $50...

Parkrunners swap sweets for sneakers on Easter Saturday

A record 84,000 people participated in Parkrun on Easter Saturday at 468 different events across Australia. A national and regional record of 1200 people across the Illawarra attended the events at Sandon Point, North Wollongong, and Shellharbour Parkrun. Regular...
Extra funding to make State Title dreams a reality

Extra funding to make State Title dreams a reality

Kiama netball enthusiasts are counting on newfound financial support to boost their chances of travelling to the State Titles later this year. Kiama Netball Association President, Michelle Gregory, has seen the club grow significantly over the past few seasons, with...

Are we consuming news and media lazily?

Are we consuming news and media lazily?

The Media Consumption Habits of Australians survey released their results for 2023 on Saturday and showed us media consumption and viewing are evolving. The survey revealed that most Australians preferred streaming services over free-to-air TV, social media as their...