The Enchanted Forest light show is set to captivate thousands of Illawarra spectators in coming weeks as Laservision and Shellharbour City Council combine natural bush environment with laser light-beams to create a Vivid-like spectacle on the South Coast. Set within...
An interactive map designed to maintain the health of trees in the City of Melbourne has received an unexpected and joyous public response. The map allocated each tree their own email address and encouraged people report signs of sickness or damage that would...
Illawarra martial arts and jiu jitsu gyms are ready to take matters into their own hands over the next few weeks following the reported rise in violence towards women. Gabriel Olivera, from Gracie Barra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Wollongong, said teaching women to protect...
Australian parents are urged to monitor the online activity of their teenagers in the wake of two Sydney stabbing attacks earlier this month. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel of ‘Christ The Good Shepherd’ Church in Wakeley was stabbed during a live-stream sermon...
Figtree Lions Club and MS Australia hosted the 14th annual Wollongong MS MegaSwim at the University of Wollongong and raised over $20,000 for people diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Eighty-two swimmers, across six relay teams, participated in the 24-hour event from...