A Wollongong tech company has created an intelligent transport tag that will allow drivers to benefit from evolving inter-connected transport systems.
V-DAQ has created the V-SAFE tag that the company says enables vehicles, regardless of age, make or class, to talk to smart traffic lights, cities, roads and emergency services, and includes everything needed for vehicles to operate in the future of automated mobility.
Although the technology is extremely advanced, co-founder and director Paul Fenech stressed the importance of affordability and ease of use for the driver.
“We reached a technology breakthrough about a year ago and we have been working over the last year to make it commercially feasible,” Mr Fenech said.
“That includes reducing the cost that it costs to actually produce the product.”
V-DAQ has also been a key contributor in the investment of new intelligent road infrastructure that will increase safety and allow vehicles to undertake predictive motion analysis and in-lane vehicle position in real-time.
With the new device, users will also be able to make drastic savings on their insurance premiums and pay lower tolls by allowing insurers and road managers access to the data collected by the device.
“So, the key point is that it’s the reliability, the precision and the security of data that we’re giving to the consumer,” co-founder Rylan Kolb said.
“Drivers are essentially able to provide their data on a reward basis to their insurers, road managers, things like that and they’ll get benefits from supplying that data, be it reduced premiums or lower toll fees.”
V-DAQ has undertaken several business trails over the past six-months, with several successful test products working in vehicles. While full expansion of the intelligent transport infrastructure network isn’t expected to come online until 2025, customers will have access to the V-SAFE technology much sooner.
“We’re working now on actually securing partnerships with potential partners and big enterprises to actually roll out these products in the coming months.” Mr Fenech said.