The University of Wollongong has announced it will deliver classes remotely as a measure to slow down the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

The university said the online move was designed to protect the health and safety of students and members of staff.

University of Wollongong student Melissa Petith said the switch to online classes would not have significant impact on how she handled university life.

“I will still have the same days dedicated to doing work. The biggest obvious change will be not going physically on campus and learning how to utilise the online components to access my content digitally,” she said.

“I do feel as if I learn better when in a physical classroom and it makes it easier to ask questions and receive feedback straight away rather than waiting for a response via email, so this may serve as a challenge throughout the semester if this does continue.”

When asked about the decision to move university online, former UOW School of Medicine lecturer Monique Francois said it was time online learning was utilised to its full capacity, however there would still be challenges present for her personally.

“For me, adjusting my research clinical trials to less person-person contact is the challenge I am facing,” she said.

“I believe moving classes online is the best possible solution at this current time as ensuring students and staff are safe and that the spread of coronavirus is slowed down is vital.”