Terrorism in 2017 affects the international community

Terrorism in 2017 affects the international community

As this week’s attack in St. Petersburg demonstrates, terrorism is not bound to any specific location in the modern world. Although we tend to overlook the concentrated acts committed in war-torn areas, the risks posed still remain a silent threat in our daily...
Badminton bringing international students together

Badminton bringing international students together

The sports hall at the University of Wollongong was a cultural melting pot last weekend, when the UOW Badminton Club held its annual tournament. The world’s fastest racquet sport is popular across Asia and the Middle East, and the majority of competitors at the...
World Cup at Warilla

World Cup at Warilla

Warilla Bowling Club is playing host to the 2014 Bowls Club from 8th – 16th April. Men and women from over 20 countries, including Australia, are competing in various rounds over the week. On day two of the singles competition, both the mens and women’s...