As the end of semester draws closer, students are finding their stress levels rising and their health going downhill.

Now in its third year of operation, the UOW Wellbeing Centre provides students with a chance to manage their anxiety through a range of workshops and activities.

Seasonal affective disorder, otherwise known as the ‘winter blues’, is a form of depression that alters a person’s biological clock and hormone levels and aligns with the changes in seasons. The disorder impacts 1 in 300 Australians and is more commonly found in young people.

UOW Wellbeing Ambassador Hilena Allen said the winter blues, the stress of final exams and major assessments at the end of semester combine to affect mental health.

She said there are tips and tricks to help students get you through the final weeks of the semester.

“It’s good to have a good diet, to get plenty of sleep, and remember to stay connected with family and friends,” she said.