Two Wollongong University students, are leading the charge to promote connections between journalism students, with the formation of a new Journalism Society at UOW.

Second year students and co-hosts of ‘The Buzz’, Eleanor Bailey and Hayley Prenter said The Journalism Society hopes to bridge the gap between first, second and third year students of the Bachelor of Journalism cohort by allowing students to participate in social events outside of class, with their peers.

“It’s hard to make connections with the older kids because it’s like oh! The older kids! Like they’re so much more advanced into their degree and all that kinda stuff, whereas the society will definitely give the opportunity to form friendships and connections before having a work component to it,” Eleanor said.

The Journalism Society hopes to run regular study workshops and social events such as movie nights premiering documentaries to facilitate connections between journalism students.

“I think the society will help with that because instead of being thrown into a classroom with Third Years, and going ‘I don’t know anyone here and I’m a First Year’, you have the opportunity to makes those connections earlier in a more friendly, relaxed environment,” Hayley said.

Eleanor and Hayley said they are laying the foundations for the Journalism Society, and require a group of active members to be able to meet with Pulse and discuss officially forming as a UniClub.

Posters have been put up around the university, urging students to join their Messenger chat and get involved with discussions about what they’d like to see in the Journalism Society.

The Journalism Society’s Messenger group chat has information and ideas on the prospects and goals of the society and is a place for discussions to be held via Zoom, every Monday at 5:30pm.