There’s nothing quite like political disillusionment to bring out the creativity in people. Many cartoonists and movie makers have used their skills to show their opposition to Joe Hockey’s budget. Here are some of the best creative responses people have come up with:

Christopher Downes

Downes, a political cartoonist for The Mercury in Tasmania, has created some cartoons about the budget, borrowing from pop culture to show his disdain for Abbott and the Coalition.

Source: The Cartoons of Christopher Downes

Source: The Cartoons of Christopher Downes

Source: The Cartoons of Christopher Downes

Source: The Cartoons of Christopher Downes


Source: The Cartoons of Christopher Downes

Source: The Cartoons of Christopher Downes






























David Pope

The political cartoonist for the Canberra Times prefers to use humour to address our pain. “No surprise HECS debt hiding in the cupboard” is a personal favourite line.

Source: David Pope Cartoons

Source: David Pope Cartoons

Source: David Pope Cartoons

Source: David Pope Cartoons




















Rocco Fazzari & Denis Carnahan

These two have taken it a step further with moving image to present a “musical analysis of the Budget”. The result? Some ironic sound bites and huge ears on Abbott.


Leahy’s Cartoons

Courtesy of their Facebook page, Leahy’s Cartoons address Abbott’s role in the Budget. And his “Budget smugglers”, the best joke to come out of this spectacle.

Source: Leahy's Cartoons.

Source: Leahy’s Cartoons.

Source: Leahy's Cartoons.

Source: Leahy’s Cartoons.




















Patrick Brown

What are the two hottest things right now? The Budget and Game of Thrones of course!

Source: Artwork of Patrick Brown

Source: Artwork of Patrick Brown











UOWTV Multimedia Reporter: Kelsey Sutor