The market for global entertainment is expected to grow due to an increase in the demand for applications and online streaming services that are now available on mobile phone devices, according to a new report. The Zion Market Research has published a report titled ‘Mobile Entertainment Market by Services.’
The report indicates demand for online streaming services, such as Netflix and Stan, has grown in recent years because ‘millennials’ are drawn to the content. However, the research also shows people are still seeking out entertainment the traditional way, via TV or Laptop.
Communications and media expert, Prof. Sue Turnbull said the continued growth of the global entertainment industry would depend on whether online services can maintain demand and deliver content that is tailored for mobile phones.
“Unless Netflix produces material and content specifically for the phone, I don’t see the big expensive series as really having a future on smart phones,” Prof. Turnbull said.
How do you prefer to watch Netflix? #socialj #UOWTV
— Courtney Berthaly (@courtneyberthal) April 5, 2017