Young people are turning away from clubs, choosing the pub environment for entertainment.

The new generation has found that the nightlife at pubs has grown over the years and it has become a more affordable option for many.

University student Erin Mazzo, 20, said that it has become hard to have a good time in city clubs, with an increase in prices, on top of the expense of transportation to get there and back.

“The Uni friends that I live with, they’re just not big drinkers,” Miss Mazzo said.

“They want to socialise more and I think a pub gives you more of that environment to do that. So, we rarely go to clubs now.”

The price to have a good night out in the city can cost over $200 for many people and as more young university students struggle to balance work and university life, the new generation has found their interest in nightlife at local pubs.

“We’re in uni, we don’t have as much money as we would if we were fully graduated,” Miss Mazzo said,

“We just want to go locally, and we don’t want to pay much for an Uber.

“Rather if someone wants to drive us and wants to be close, then we’re definitely going to go to a pub compared to a club.”

University student Alex Yenco said the comfort that he and his friends have found in the pub environment was good, with the location and prices greatly influencing their decision to reject a night out in the city.

“I think as a uni student you sort of don’t have the abundance of funds that you would when you’re older,” Mr Yenco said,

“I am obviously not a full-time worker, and going out to the city for us, especially in Sydney, it’s a long trek, drinks are a lot more expensive, so there’s not really much upside to it,” he said.

There have been many new local pubs being built around the western suburbs creating easier access for the younger generation.

“A lot of pubs are being built with the new estates, so it makes it pretty easy to just go there on your locals for a night out, especially after work, as most of my mates work on a Friday,” Mr Yenco said,

“So we sort of all live in the same area, so we just go to the pub instead, just because we know it’s going to be cheaper, a bit better food, and yeah, still a good night out.”