Preparations are underway for this year’s Get Ready Weekend hosted by the RFS at various locations across NSW. With the risk of bushfires returning this summer, the Get ready Weekend will be held this year on September 16 and 17 and aims to encourage residents and landowners to plan and prepare for the upcoming bushfire season.
District coordinator and second in charge of the Southern Highlands RFS James Morris said that Australia is entering a period of time where grass fires are more likely to occur.
“The Get Ready Weekend is vital in allowing our community to understand the risk that is likely to be there this season,” Mr Morris said.
“The program involves a combination of our firefighters putting together the relevant information for our community members, landholders and land managers to attend the station to discuss their plans for the upcoming fire season,” he said.
“We are aiming to build the understanding and knowledge and hope that residents will undertake the appropriate preparations ahead of the upcoming bushfire season.”
The Get Ready Weekend is held across NSW in around 500 locations. It is of particular importance this year due to several years of wet weather resulting in increased grasses and shrubbery.
MAP: Locations of Get Ready Weekend sites.
“We are already seeing a significant amount of bush and grass fires across the district, right across the Southern Highlands and across NSW,” Mr Morris said.
“I highly recommend and urge everyone in bushfire prone areas that’s within a radius of bush should attend.”
Mr Morris also recommended that anyone who lives within 10-20 kilometres of the bush should have preparations in place in case of a bushfire emergency.
“We lose more homes from bushfires from ember attacks than we do to direct fire impact,” he said.
The Get Ready Weekend will have multiple emergency services on the site, providing information about all kinds of preparedness for all kinds of natural disasters and emergencies, including resilience recovery agencies and local councils.
To find an event near you, head to the RFS website for more information.
Get prepared for the season at