The three independent candidates vying to be Wollongong’s next Lord Mayor are pushing on with their campaigns, despite facing logistical difficulties.

Independent candidate for Lord Mayor and Ward 1, Ryan Morris said that despite the difficulties in running a campaign, having independent candidates is important to ensure voters have greater choice in who to vote for in Saturday’s election. 

“It is extremely difficult as an independent campaigning,” Mr Morris said.

“But with the Liberal party not nominating a person to go forward, it has allowed me to be that fairer choice on the ballot paper. 

“They don’t just have to now look at the Greens or Labor, they do have another option, so people aren’t forced into one side of politics.” 

Image: Ryan Morris – Independent Mayor and Ward 1 Candidate Wollongong 2024 on Facebook

Mr Morris said that his greatest challenge has been getting his name into the community, but he is appreciative of assistance from volunteers. 

“The hardest part for me is to get out there and have people know who I am and why they should vote for me as one of the independents,” Mr Morris said. 

“The community around me are helping me out with putting up signs and handing out information so people can start to understand who I am.” 

Independent candidate for Lord Mayor and Ward 2, Andrew Anthony said he has also had trouble promoting himself as a candidate, but he is hopeful. 

 “It’s difficult when you’re an independent to get the word out there about what you believe about things and what your policies are,” Mr Anthony said. 

 “It is a struggle, but I hope that people are hearing about me and would consider voting for me.” 

Image: Andrew Anthony for Wollongong City Council on Facebook

Independent candidate for Lord Mayor and Ward 1, Suzanne de Vive said that she has experienced shortages of volunteers and money in her campaign. 

 “I don’t have a whole party machinery to do things for me to hand out how to vote cards and things of that nature,” Ms de Vive said. 

 “So I’m very lacking in volunteers. I’m also very lacking in money because I have no political donations or anything like that.” 

Image: Suzanne de Vive – Independent for Mayor and Ward 1 – Wollongong 2024 on Facebook

Ms de Vive said that she has worked collaboratively with her fellow independent candidates to hold joint community sessions. 

“Ryan and I being the independents have teamed up,” Ms de Vive said. 

“So what we’re doing is sharing our individual visions with the crowd, and then opening to a Q and A.

“Because we are the least known to all the candidates, I think this is a good move.” 

Mr Morris said he believes working together with his fellow independent candidates is important not only for the campaign but also if they are elected as Lord Mayor and councillors. 

“We have to work with each other, otherwise we’re just barely white noise in the background behind the big parties,” he said. 

“At the end of the day, in the local council, we have to work together, we have to collaborate, otherwise there’s no good prospects and future for the mandates of what the councillors and the mayor can do if we can’t all be somewhat agreeable with each other in the council chambers.” 

The residents of Wollongong will head to polling booths across the region on Saturday to elect a new Lord Mayor for the first time since 2011.

Image: Wollongong City Council