Great work from school students across the Illawarra was celebrated today at the Hatching of the Paint the Gong REaD mascot at Dapto Leagues Club, all in the name of reading.
Lord Councillor Gordon Bradbery did an exceptional job of reading one last final story to the mascot before it popped out of its egg as local preschool and primary school students watched in anticipation.
The egg visited around 40 schools in the Illawarra where students helped it grow by reading stories to it.
Paint the Gong REaD is part of a nationwide initiative to encourage parents to assist their children to read more books. Wollongong City Council’s Tracey Kirk-Downey says the concept was designed put the fun into reading.
Check out what it was all about:
Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery talks about how important it is for children to get a grasp of reading at a young age.
Event Coordinator Tracey Kirk Downey of Wollongong City Council talks about her initiative to encourage children across the Illawarra to read.