“Moving, insightful, surprising” – the three words that director, choreographer and performer Lisa Maris McDonell uses to describe Home Truths.

An inspiring performance featuring five women between the ages of 38 and 76. Home Truths by the Merrigong Theatre Company shows age is no boundary to expressing the passion, the movement and the talents of dance.

Each performer uses their own unique movement and dance experience to express meanings of home in 10-15 minute dance solos. They have collaborated with McDonell in the choreography to ensure their personality and dance skills were incorporated into their expressive portrayals of what home means to them.

AUDIO: McDonell explains the creative process of Home Truths and the importance of staying active at any age.



Home Truths starts tonight at the Illawarra Performing Arts Centre
For info and tickets: http://www.merrigong.com.au/shows/home-truths.html

Home Truths –
 The Merrigong Theatre Company Studio Sessions
Director: Lisa Maris McDonell
Music in above audio piece: From Vicki Van Hout’s solo performance – courtesy of Lisa Maris McDonell
Illawarra Performing Arts Centre, Bob Pete Studio

Performer: Chylie Cooper Image: Lisa Maris McDonell

Performer: Chylie Cooper
Image: Lisa Maris McDonell


Performer: Ana Otero Image: Lisa Maris McDonell

Performer: Ana Otero
Image: Lisa Maris McDonell


Performer: Vicki Van Hout Image: Lisa Maris McDonell

Performer: Vicki Van Hout
Image: Lisa Maris McDonell