Research has revealed at least one-third of Australian adults suffer from regular sleeping problems. These are often associated with a number of illnesses, such as depression and diabetes.

This month sleep experts are debunking myths surrounding sleep. Most people want to sleep well in order to feel fresh the following day, however many of the things people believe about sleep are incorrect.

UK sleep expert Dr Tania Ahern has joined the effort to explain the science behind some of the myths often associated with sleep.

Some of the most common misconceptions are:

  • Taking sleeping tablets ensures a good night’s sleep.
  • A nightcap will help me drift off
  • I can make up for lost sleep at the weekend
  • We all need 8 hours sleep a night
  • Teenagers don’t need more sleep — they’re just lazy
  • A hot bath at bedtime helps us get to sleep
  • Good sleep must be unbroken
  • Eating cheese late at night can cause nightmares
  • Counting sheep gets you to sleep
  • I don’t dream


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