Exam period stressing students
It has come to that time of the year again when students face the inevitable truth that it’s too late to start procrastinating for the exams.
These exam periods often become a time of stress and anxiety for students as they hastily try to relearn 13 weeks of knowledge.
The latest study out of the Australian Psychological Society showed that stress related to study are up 5% from last year.
The University of Wollongong (UOW) is no stranger to students stressing out over this exam period with a large amount of students visiting the counselling service towards the end of the semester with fears over exams.
“The main concerns for students during the exam period are usually feeling underprepared, having limited times or resources to prepare or even the potential consequences if they don’t achieve a certain mark. Generally the end of session and exam periods are pretty busy in the counselling service.” UOW Counsellor Nigel Woods says.
Woods believes that stress itself could be beneficial for taking exams but it’s the anxiety that is most dangerous to the students education.
“Anxiety can often result in procrastinating or even avoiding study or exams. Stress can be a useful motivator and is often linked with increased performance, However there is a catch, if our level of stress is too high, then our performance drops off, usually resulting increased stress and further decrease in performance.”
It seems that stress is inevitable come exam time but what do the students of the University of Wollongong do to relive this stress?
Jorden Ng, a graphic design student believes that ‘quiet’ time is needed to not become stressed out.
“I like to meditate for an hour before I go off to my test just to clear my mind and only remember the things I need for my test and nothing else.”
One last thought from our resident counsellor is that stopping stress “Is easier said than done, but trying to create some balance can be beneficial. Our bodies and minds need adequate sleep, nutrition and physical activity to function.”
The Wellbeing Centre is located at Level 3, Building 11 so if you’re having a hard time this exam period, stop in for a chat and remember to take time out from studying to just relax and recuperate. It will be more beneficial the cramming an entire textbook and less expensive at that.
UOWTV Multimedia Reporter: Ben Mitchell
We asked you: how do you like to relieve stress?
UOWTV Multimedia Reporter André Charadia spoke to UOW students about what they do to relieve stress before their final exams and assignment deadlines, and captured images of Illawarrans lapping up the last of the sun of the warmest May in 104 years.
- Wednesday was unseasonably warm, and the mercury hit just shy of 26 degrees.
- The beach was the place to be for many Illawarrans, these gentelmen taking advantage of one of the warmest Mays in 104 years.
- What are you guys studying for? R: “A Spanish aural exam.” What do you guys like to do before exams? L: “I work out.” R: “I usually hang with friends or read.”
- “I love to hit up the beach or play a round of golf.”
- For some students, tea calms the nerves. For others, functioning without coffee is out of the question. Staff and students alike mingle in one of the many cafés on campus.
- L: “It’ll have to be quick, we’re late for class.” What are you guys drinking? R: “Tea, it usually does the job.”
- R: “Before I study I grab a coffee.” L: “It’s my life force.”
- Others relax by other means. These students soak in the sun on the new sun lounges near UniBar.
- “I chill out by listening to a song, Everything I’m Looking For by The Dirty Heads, and listen to each instrument individually. It’s like a meditation.”
- “I watch movies.” What kind of movies? Is there an actor or director that you particularly like? “Anything with Michael Fassbender in it.”
UOWTV Multimedia Reporter: Andre Charadia
How to relax after exams
UOWTV Multimedia Reporter, Elliot Reeves asked UOW students how they relax after exams, as well as UOW staff how they handle the end of session and catering to students’ needs during the end of session and exam time.
UOWTV Multimedia Reporter: Elliot Reeves
Students Fill Armoury to Graduate
For those students who are graduating in July, the next chapter of their lives is finding a job. UOWTV Multimedia Report, Jared Constable reports on career prospects for law graduates.
UOWTV Multimedia Reporter: Jared Constable