Children across Camden are preparing to put on their scariest costumes for Halloween.

The NSW State Police has reminded would-be trick-or-treaters to have fun but remember to stay safe during this year’s festivities.

Chief Superintendent Brad Shephard released guidelines last Friday to ensure children and parents are well informed about the best ways to participate in Halloween activities over the weekend.

“With the increasing popularity of children participating in ‘trick or treating’ activities, it is safest for children to remain in groups and only approach houses in daylight,” Chief Superintendant Shepherd said.

“Younger children should always be supervised by a parent, carer or responsible adult at all times.

“It is important to recognise that not everyone celebrates Halloween each year – so it is best to stick to houses with decorations on their properties.”

More Camden homes than ever have set up haunted houses to create an all-sensory experience for trick-or-treaters.

Local haunted house owner Tony Kennedy said he was looking for that wow-factor, but had made sure his handmade props were safe.

“With the electric chair that I built, I used a sander as the motor which sends vibrations through the chair—to make it feel somewhat real, but without the electrocution,” Mr Kennedy said.

Mr  Kennedy recommended children proceed with caution as they enter his ‘chop shop’ at the rear of his property because it is not suitable for anyone who is easily scared

“It has feet hanging from the roof, fingers in jars and props that come to life when people enter the shed,” he said.

Despite the safety precautions taken by some Halloween participants, some parents say it is not safe enough.

Mother of two Kirsty Fairbairn said it is dangerous for young children to roam the streets at night with the looming threat of stranger danger.

“You don’t know who’s out there,” she said.

“My kids could walk to the front door and something terrible could happen.”