The nomination period has opened and interested students and staff are asked to submit their name for the annual general election for University of Wollongong governance roles.

In total, more than 40 positions are available to UOW students, including student representative members of the Academic Senate, Faculty student representatives, Campus student representatives, a WIC student representative, or a student representative on one of UOW’s student associations, WUSA or WUPA, in 2024.

According to an official announcement, the election is all about learning how the university operates and using that knowledge to make a positive impact on your fellow students.

“As a student representative member, you can provide a student perspective on a range of issues including those affecting academic life and the student experience,” the announcement read.

“This is your chance to make a difference at UOW and to gain valuable governance experience and knowledge about how the University works.”

The election periods for WUSA, NUS, and WUPA have been confirmed for 4-6 October, whereas the election of the Council, Academic Senate, Faculty, Campus, and WIC will be held between 3-17 October.

Candidates are asked to submit their nomination no later than 12pm Tuesday 19 September.

The Governance election page contains further information on the election, nomination forms, and eligibility criteria for each post.