A Wollongong artist has welcomed the proposed move by Wollongong City Council to subsidise live music.
Musician Lizzie Jack said venues forced to shut during the coronavirus lockdown may struggle to hire performers after restrictions are lifted.
“Finding the money to pay artists when they haven’t had any kind of revenue come in, I think that will be a challenge for them,” she said.
“I think it’s almost like starting from scratch again, because they obviously still have bills and stuff to pay.”
The council will look at ways to subsidise live music under a $2.3 million post-COVID-19 economic recovery fund.
Greens Councillor Mithra Cox, who moved an amendment on Monday to include live music in the plan, wants council to subsidise musician wages to preform at in the CBD.
“Venues should be able to employ musicians at, or above, award wages so that the musicians are properly paid,” Cr Cox said.
“(The venues) can then seek a subsidy from council for those wages.
“It’s bringing them (people) right into the heart of the city where we already have businesses that need help to get patrons back.”
@IllawarraGreens councillor Mithra Cox on what she would like to see from the proposed live music subsidy under the council’s $2.3 million post-COVID stimulus package. @UOWTV #uowcreative pic.twitter.com/geL1cT2c5L
— River McCrossen (@RivOMac) May 13, 2020