Wind turbines have faced consistent criticism since they were introduced to Australia. Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott once described them as “visually awful” and “utterly offensive”.
Lingering doubts and criticism have led to renewed pressure for research groups to find out if wind farm noise has an impact on the health of those who live close to the turbines.
The Woolcock Institute has been commissioned to conduct a range of studies over the next five years to determine their impact.
The announcement from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) follows other international studies.
According to the Australian Wind Alliance, Canada spent $2.1 million on a similar study in 2014 and found wind turbines had no adverse affect.
National coordinator for the Australian Wind Alliance Andrew Bray pushed for further development to help ease our reliance on coal produced energy
He said he $3.3 million grant money would be better spent on diabetes research, Aboriginal and youth suicide and other more pressing social problems.